//Water rendering mode (0: off 1: diffraction only 2:reflection and diffraction) water_mode 0 //PERFORMANCE SETTINGS //anti aliasing (1 default, 2: 4x, 3: 9x, 4: 16x; high values may result in minecraft out of memory) anti_aliasing 2 //Resolution of reflection rendering (1 full resolution) reflection_resolution 4 //Reflective items, player, mob (on/off) reflective_items 1 //Reflective clouds (on/off) reflective_clouds 0 //Reflect player (on/off) reflect_player 1 //RENDER SETTINGS //v3 render settings (on/off) render_v3 1 //between 0.0 and 1.0 water_surface_transparency 0.05 //between 0.0 and 1.0 waterfall_transparency 0.4 //(R/G/B) (float) (deep water color) water_color 0.0/0.4/0.3 //(R/G/B) (float) (multiplicative color brightness) waterfall_color 1.0/1.0/1.0 //POSSIBLE BUG FIXES //(on/off) (if your water is opaque and sky colored, disable this setting) waterfall_fog 1 //transparent block ids to be excluded from water effect (not implemented) exclude_list